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Most Common Carpet Stains and How to Remove Them

March 23, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

One of the worst feelings when you own a home is looking down at your carpet and seeing a stain. This is especially true if you thought you cleaned it before the stain had a chance to set. Keeping your home’s carpet clean can be done with simple and regular vacuuming and professional assistance once or twice a year from a carpet cleaning company in Newport, OR like Paradise Carpet Cleaners Inc. In addition to the vacuuming, you’ll want to clean any spills to stop these stains from setting in: Pet stains: Pets can be one of the worst offenders... View Article

How Often Should You Clean Your Upholstery?

March 9, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Taking care of your upholstery is a necessary part of cleaning your household. Upholstery cleaning can take many forms, including just a light cleaning every once in a while. There are plenty of elements to consider when thinking about how often to clean your furniture and what type of cleaning you want to do. Finding the right time for upholstery cleaning in Newport, OR can keep your furniture looking great and lasting longer. Light cleaning One of the simplest ways to keep your furniture looking great is to regularly maintain it. That may seem straightforward, but often enough it’s overlooked.... View Article

How Mud Damages Carpet

February 26, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Spring is going to be here sooner than you know it, which means the muddy season will be following close behind. Already we get a fair amount of rain here during the winter in the Pacific Northwest, but expect that to increase once March and April hit. This means you’re going to have to be careful that children and pets do not drag mud into your home after coming in from outside. Why is it so important, beyond just aesthetic reasons, to keep mud out of your home? Here’s some information from a company that offers deep carpet cleaning in... View Article

Dirty Carpets and Health Problems

February 12, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

The carpets in your home get a whole lot of wear and tear, and they can get quite dirty as well, whether it’s due to simple dust and debris or the result of stains caused by spills. Over time, dirty carpets can go from being simply an eyesore to a potential health issue. This means it’s important to make sure you stay on top of your carpet cleaning in Lincoln City, OR so you can avoid some health issues that can be caused or exacerbated by dirty carpets. Here are just a few pieces of information you should be aware... View Article

Steps for Water Damage Restoration

January 28, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Anyone who’s experienced water damage in their home or office can attest to the fact that the event leading to the damage is nearly as bad as the feeling of hopelessness after the disaster. Not knowing who to turn to or when the ordeal will be over is just an awful feeling that nobody should ever have to go through. If you’re ever unfortunate enough to experience flooding or any other type of water damage, be sure to follow the steps below. Adhering to our advice ensures that the process will be as seamless and painless as possible. Assess the... View Article

Paradise Carpet Cleaners Inc.