Categories for Tile and Grout Cleaning

The Best Ways to Clean Tile Floors

March 30, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Floor coverings in your home are not just limited to carpets and rugs. While those are important to keep clean, don’t forget about the tiles that make up your kitchen, bathrooms, mud rooms and other spaces. They can attract dirt and strains as easily as any other surface in your home, so keeping them clean is something that our experienced team of technicians at Paradise Carpet Cleaners Inc. takes very seriously. Cleaning tile floors can be an easy process if you stay on top of things, and we’ve picked up a few tips over the years that it’s our pleasure... View Article

Tips for Cleaning Tile and Stone

October 17, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

There are few flooring options more attractive than tile and stone, particularly in areas like the kitchen and bathroom. If you’re using tile and stone as flooring in these high-traffic parts of your house, however, it’s important to keep them clean. Over time, built-up dirt and grime can begin to stain your tile and stone, reducing the value of the investment you’ve made in your home’s high-quality flooring. Grout is a porous, rough substance that can absorb grime, dust and moisture. If not cared for properly, grout can quickly become unsightly and even unsafe, as it may harbor mold growth... View Article

How to Clean Tile and Grout

June 13, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Having clean tile and grout can make the floors in any room of your house look brand new, but getting them clean can sometimes be tricky. It’s a tedious chore, but you’d be surprised by how much of a difference it can make. That’s why so many homeowners opt to invest in professional tile and grout cleaning in Newport, OR every once in a while to get rid of the tough dirt and grime. In addition, taking some of these tips into consideration will ensure you’re able to keep your floors looking great for months afterward. Sweep and Vacuum Regularly... View Article

Paradise Carpet Cleaners Inc.