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How Carpet Cleaning Can Help with Dust Mites

September 24, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

For folks who suffer from allergies, spring tends to be the worst season. But unfortunately, your house can trap allergens that can keep allergy season going all year long. If you or someone in your home suffers from allergies, then you may be frustrated when it’s a low pollen count day and you still use up a couple boxes of tissues. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and ease these issues. One major culprit of indoor allergies is dust mites. These allergy-triggering particles are too tiny to be easily spotted by the human eye, but these little critters can wreak... View Article

What You Need to Know About Mold Control

August 27, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

We’re likely not the first ones to tell you that mold growth in your home is a problem. Mold spores cause allergy issues, and they can even be deadly in some serious situations. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about mold and how our odor removal service in Newport, OR may be able to help you and your home. Is my carpet damaged by mold? There are times when you’re absolutely, 100 percent sure that you’ve got mold growing in your home. However, it can take a while for that mold to grow so out of control... View Article

What Carpet Owners Should Know About Reappearing Stains

August 13, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Spills are an inevitable part of life. As a diligent homeowner, you blot and try to clean up spills as soon as they happen, but what happens when those stains keep coming back time and time again? Do you know what causes these mysterious reappearing stains? Or, more importantly, do you know what to do to treat them once and for all? If the answer to both of these questions is “no,” you’ll likely find the following information incredibly helpful. Continue reading to learn all about reappearing stains, and how we can help with deep carpet cleaning in Newport, OR.... View Article

What Is Carpet Grooming?

July 26, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Over the years, the carpet throughout your home can take a real beating. In addition to supporting the foot traffic of everyone in the house on a daily basis, your carpet has probably seen some tough stains that required more than the standard over-the-counter products for removal. The next time you have to seek out professional carpet cleaning services in Newport, OR to deal with these challenging issues, make sure to ask about carpet grooming and the many benefits it can provide. What exactly is carpet grooming? Carpet grooming is a process in which a special carpet rake or brush... View Article

Removing Odors from Carpets

July 12, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Everyone has had to deal with a spill or stain on their carpet at some point or another, but if left unattended, these simple accidents can eventually turn into big problems. If too much time passes, you might find that an odor that was left behind from a stain or pet accident has become very difficult to remove, and it is now affecting the air quality in your home. Before using harsh chemicals to rid your carpet of troublesome odors, try a couple of these deep carpet cleaning tips from an odor removal service in Newport, OR that utilize items... View Article

Paradise Carpet Cleaners Inc.