September 12, 2019 11:43 pm
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Although you may realize just how important upholstery cleaning is for the furniture that adorns the lobbies, waiting rooms and office spaces of your building, it can be difficult to remember to actually follow through with this maintenance consistently. With all of the other responsibilities that come along with effectively managing a business, cleaning duties are usually among the first things to get pushed to the back burner. However, this could be causing more harm than you know, both for the health of your customers and employees as well as for the longevity of the furniture. Follow along with this... View Article
August 26, 2019 11:15 pm
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No matter how careful you are with food and beverages around your carpet, it only takes one spill to cause permanent damage. When your carpet is stained, you might try several different DIY remedies and commercial cleaning products, only to still be left with some residual staining of your carpet fibers. One of the most difficult stains to remove is coffee. To keep your carpet in the best condition possible and minimize lasting effects from a coffee stain, there are several tips and tricks that you should put into practice to remove coffee stains from various surfaces. Coffee stain removal... View Article
August 12, 2019 11:15 pm
Published by Writer
Running a business is about more than just ensuring the quality of your products and services. It’s also about keeping your facilities in the best condition possible for the benefit of your employees and your customers. Keeping your workplace clean and well-maintained offers a number of important benefits, including improved employee morale, healthier working conditions and a better reputation among your customers. To keep your floors looking their best, read on for some tips for effective commercial floor maintenance in Newport, OR: Protect your floors: The more diligent you are with preventative floor care and protection, the easier it will... View Article
July 31, 2019 11:00 pm
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You don’t always need to perform a deep clean to make your home sparkle. If you’re preparing to host guests and are in a rush to make your abode presentable, you may be wondering what you can do to make your living space look its best without spending too much time cleaning. Thankfully, there are a number of quick cleaning tips that you can follow that will help you make your home significantly cleaner while requiring minimal effort. Of course, a quick clean doesn’t negate the need for routine, regular deep cleanings. In fact, you should likely rely on a... View Article
July 17, 2019 11:00 pm
Published by Writer
Staying on top of household cleaning can be downright overwhelming, particularly if you approach the entire home as a single entity. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by cleaning your home in advance of the arrival of summer guests, consider breaking your home cleaning chores up room by room. This will help the task appear more manageable, and allow you to better ensure that you’re being thorough as you clean your abode. Of course, there are some parts of your home cleaning that may be better handled by a professional. For instance, carpet cleaning requires specialized expertise and machinery. To ensure that... View Article