October 31, 2018 7:53 pm
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Rugs are often the centerpieces of your home’s décor. Rugs, when used correctly, can tie the entire aesthetic of your abode together and help you create a cohesive, intentional atmosphere in your living space. Rugs often represent a substantial investment, however. Learning how to care for your rug will help you make the most of your investment in it, and allow you to enjoy a cohesive, well-designed décor scheme for years to come. While rug maintenance has a number of things in common with general carpet maintenance, there are a few key differences worth noting, primarily in the piling of... View Article
October 17, 2018 7:53 pm
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There are few flooring options more attractive than tile and stone, particularly in areas like the kitchen and bathroom. If you’re using tile and stone as flooring in these high-traffic parts of your house, however, it’s important to keep them clean. Over time, built-up dirt and grime can begin to stain your tile and stone, reducing the value of the investment you’ve made in your home’s high-quality flooring. Grout is a porous, rough substance that can absorb grime, dust and moisture. If not cared for properly, grout can quickly become unsightly and even unsafe, as it may harbor mold growth... View Article
October 8, 2018 8:57 pm
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Few things can put more dread in the hearts of homeowners than this four-word sentence: “You have bed bugs.” Bed bugs can cause quite a bit of stress, and once you learn you have an infestation, chances are you will not be comfortable in your own home until you can be certain that they have been completely eradicated. If it’s possible, you and your family should go stay at a hotel or with family or friends while the issue is being taken care of. And if you want to get rid of bed bugs yourself, you need to be very... View Article
September 24, 2018 8:57 pm
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For folks who suffer from allergies, spring tends to be the worst season. But unfortunately, your house can trap allergens that can keep allergy season going all year long. If you or someone in your home suffers from allergies, then you may be frustrated when it’s a low pollen count day and you still use up a couple boxes of tissues. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and ease these issues. One major culprit of indoor allergies is dust mites. These allergy-triggering particles are too tiny to be easily spotted by the human eye, but these little critters can wreak... View Article
August 27, 2018 7:53 pm
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We’re likely not the first ones to tell you that mold growth in your home is a problem. Mold spores cause allergy issues, and they can even be deadly in some serious situations. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know about mold and how our odor removal service in Newport, OR may be able to help you and your home. Is my carpet damaged by mold? There are times when you’re absolutely, 100 percent sure that you’ve got mold growing in your home. However, it can take a while for that mold to grow so out of control... View Article